Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Storyyyyyy... Part one for final

There once was a fishie...and another...and another. One day, the lonely fish were visited by two crazy girls...with a camera. These girls were on a mission to find the most talkative the petstore. With a camera, determination, and a curious mind, these crazy girls attempted their mission.
You should have seen how many employees these girls dodged. One after another, followed by a few more. Holding a bubble tea in one hand and a camera in the other, the girls snuck around the style. Not only were they doing their fancy ninja moves around corners to get to the fish, but they also did their batman call. "Nanananannananana, Batman!" They were so slick that they only let one employee see them and he didn't mind. He kept looking at them, making timid hand gestures. The girls never waved back due to their undercover work here. Within minutes, their work for their wonderful Spy leader, Mrs. Park, was finished. This is the story of my fish adventure with a fishie friend :) These girls will do anything to go on another mission like this again. I have heard so from my inner voice... Maybe the next mission, I, and my super cool ninja friend, will be able to figure out the correct spelling of conciance because when i said my inner voice... i really ment my conciance...